Three Secrets to Become an Instagram Influencer in 2020

6 min readOct 30, 2019

Becoming an Instagram influencer is incredible. It delivers you endless likes, followers, friends, fame, status, and not to mention tons of free stuff that brands are willing to mail you in exchange for simply using their products online.

By far the craziest thing about 2019 is that any single one of us can become an instant celebrity. The walls of Hollywood that barred us from fame and fortune have been all but knocked down. Thanks to the world of social media, 2020 can belong to anyone who is willing to learn and invest their time wisely into Instagram.

So you’re probably thinking “ok sure, but not me. I could never be a celebrity.” And this is simply FALSE. There are no distinguishing characteristics between an Instagram nobody and an Instagram somebody. It simply comes down to knowledge. You must know exactly what the Instagram pros are doing now, and learn from the best. Then it is a matter of the effort you are willing to invest towards crafting your skills over time to ultimately become one of the internet celebrities you follow online now. You also have to be willing to put in a lot of time into perfecting this. But I mean…you’re on Instagram anyway. Why not use it to become famous?

Thanks to IGnation, aspiring Instagram influencers now have a platform to help make their dreams a reality. The company has eliminated the guesswork from the influencer profession by building the first organic online influencer community. The portal gives you deep access to education and support — which are the two main elements you need — to become #INSTAfamous should you be willing to put in the effort.

Sounds easy? Well, it’s not! Becoming an influencer takes hard work, dedication, and a few years before you look like an overnight success. However, the IGNation online accelerator portal can significantly reduce the workload for you and deliver results which take years in just a couple of months.

So without further ado, the IGnation influencer community has highlighted these three secrets for helping you become an Instagram influencer in 2020.

  1. Understand how IG Influencer Marketing Really Works

This is probably going to sound counter-intuitive (because it is), but Instagram influencer status isn’t about push, it’s about pull. You can’t like and follow your way to the top, you need to pull people into naturally finding and following you.

In other words, you can log into Instagram and like every photo all day, follow a million people and use every single hashtag created and it will not grow your following as you would like. It’s so annoying! But it’s the truth.

Here’s why.

Instagram status is the art of being interesting. And sometimes you just have to invest money into yourself to become interesting or at least appear that way. All of the major influencers know this. The more interesting you appear, the more followers and likes you will get over time. In fact, many Instagram influencers even travel, dress themselves and visit places based solely on how it will make them appear online. Some even hire professional photographers to stage the images you see on their feeds.

The IG Factory can teach you every hack you need to understand how to make your account instantly intriguing to others. While you’re learning, the influencer portal at IGnation will deliver likes and followers to you from their community as well. This is great because while you are learning, your Instagram account is growing more organically than it would if had invested that time into to old ‘follow and like’ method for account growth.

2. Learn How Much $$$$ Social Influencers Really Make

The truth behind Instagram influencers is that it can be a highly paid job if you treat it as such, by working hard to craft your brand over time. Influencer salaries vary widely depending on the individual, their brand’s story and their followers. A micro-influencer — someone who has 10,000 to 50,000 followers — can earn anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per post. Influencers with up to 1 million followers can get around $10,000 per post, and 1 million followers and beyond, you’re getting into territory where they can charge $100,000 or more. Many influencers even get $250,000 or higher for each post!

The typical influencer, known as the nanoinfluencer, is someone who has a smaller following but knows the skills to monetize their Instagram. Nanoinfluencers, can make between $30,000 and $60,000 each year. Micro-influencers can make anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000. Celebrity influencers make way, way more.

However, even a starting influencer can begin quickly monetizing their account in the first few months. The average salary listed above does not account for all of the free products and services you can receive. You can quickly monetize your account with free swag if you know how and where to find it. Influencers enjoy free clothing, products, hotel stays and even flights and experiences. To start getting free stuff from your Instagram, you only need a few thousand actively engaged followers, and know how to engage with branded promotion outlets.

IGnation is a community where world’s top Influencers and bloggers share with its members the tricks and secrets of growthhacking your Instagram account, collaborating with brands and most importantly monetization of your influence.

3. Prepare for The Major Changes to Instagram

This is arguably the most important piece of advice the IGnation community believes will impact your ability to become an Instagram influencer in 2019. Instagram is getting pretty upset with all of the fake likes and followers on its platform now, so the company has created an algorithm of artificial intelligence to eliminate them. As the algorithm spots and deletes bots that generate spam likes and follows, it will be removing hundreds of thousands of fake likes, comments, followers and even blocking, banning and deleting user’s accounts who use fake traffic.

This improvement to the platform will devastate the influencers who have monetized a fake following, as they watch all of their fans disappear throughout 2019. As an example, Twitter did a similar purge of in July of last year, and many major celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and Oprah were embarrassed by their accounts dropping by the millions.

Let’s be honest, most of us have at some point bought, or at least considered a possibility of buying, a couple thousand followers or likes for $10.99, but that time is over now. Whether you’ve purchased fake followers or are simply considering it, think again. Your effort in cheating your way to becoming Instafamous may result in Instagram death, as the Instagram algorithm learns that your traffic is fake and will literally block your entire account as a result.

This is why the IGnation platform is the best tool to both learn how to become a real influencer and correctly grow your following in 2019 and beyond. Because all users in the platform are real people, every like and follow you receive will grow your following in a way that Instagram appreciates, meaning all of the work you put in will still be there next year. The company has created the perfect recipe for becoming an influencer which is based on organic engagement between IGnation’s members, combined with the knowledge and experience of world’s top bloggers and Influencers.

For a limited time, IGnation is making their platform free to join in exchange for inviting three friends. Join at

